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We are fiscally sponsored by Seventh Generation for Indigenous Peoples Inc. The EIN # is 68-0027247

Write a Check

Make check payable to:

Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples Inc.

Memo line:Tutskwat Oqawtoynani

and mail to: P.O. Box 5248

Eureka, California 95502

Phone# 707-825-7640

Fax# 707-825-7639



Secure On-Line: Monthly or Recurring

In this space you can say what certain $ amounts would do

for example 

$25/month wouuld...

$50/month would...


Our Wish List

Tension line supplies (Need consultant in this area)

Flatbed, truck and caged trailer

Dumpsters/Garbage Truck 

Office Supplies


Walkie Talkies

Data Mapping (Need consultant in this area)

Partner with a recycling organization

Erosion control and soil specialist

Trash bags

Food to feed volunteers on Cleanup Days

Most of all we just need hands on the ground to pick up the trash, contact the Project Coordinator if you would like to bring a group of volunteers to Hopi to help us clean. 

Garbage Factory

Social Media Advocates

Like and share our social media pages.


If you made an on-line donation to us, challenge your friends to match your donation.

Hands typing on laptop
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